.. repoze.who.plugins.formcookie documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon Jan 5 21:35:12 2009. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. :mod:`repoze.who.plugins.formcookie` -- CookieRedirectingFormPlugin ======================================================================= .. module:: repoze.who.plugins.formcookie .. moduleauthor:: Domen Kožar :Author: Domen Kožar :Version: |release| :Source: http://www.bitbucket.org/iElectric/repozewhopluginsformcookie/ :Bug tracker: http://www.bitbucket.org/iElectric/repozewhopluginsformcookie/issues/ .. topic:: Overview **CookieRedirectingFormPlugin** is based on \ :class:`repoze.who.plugins.form.RedirectingFormPlugin` with slight changes: - uses browser cookie (or custom setting) to remember restricted location and redirects after successful login. - offers `force_https` parameter to ignore non-https logins (and raises 401) API *** .. autoclass:: CookieRedirectingFormPlugin :members: :undoc-members: .. autofunction:: make_redirecting_plugin .. [#f1] Credential information is always passed forward to authenticator plugins as `login` and `password`. Changes ========= 0.3.0 (15.04.2010) ****************** - added `encoding` and `fail_redirect_path` parameters - when `login_form_path` is not given, display correct message 0.2.3 (05.05.2009) ****************** - dropped dependency of PasteDeploy 0.2.2 (15.03.2009) ****************** - added options `username_field` and `password_field` 0.2.1 (07.03.2009) ****************** - fixed bugs in `make_redirecting_plugin` 0.2 (02.02.2009) ****************** - implemented custom redirecting path through `login_redirect_method` and `logout_redirect_method` - added force_https 0.1.2 (23.01.2009) ****************** - applied a patch to fix misspelled `login_form_path` in `make_redirecting_plugin`, thanks TJ! 0.1.1 (08.01.2009) ****************** - removed error message (login and password parameters are never empty) - critical bug fix: headers were not returned correctly 0.1 (06.01.2009) **************** - initial release Todo ==== - make aplication be able to store info in environ and pass request to underlying application None at the moment, I'm open to suggestions. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`